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ELSI Friday Forum | The Genomics of PTSD Risk: Scientific and Ethical Perspectives
Date & Time
Selected Sessions:
Nov 10, 2023 05:00 PM
Join us on Friday, November 10, 2023, for the next ELSI Friday Forum:
Panelist: Murray B. Stein, MD, MPH (University of California San Diego, VA San Diego Healthcare System)
Panelist: Eric Juengst, PhD, MA (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)
Moderator: Josephine Johnston, LLB, MBHL (The Hastings Center, University of Otago)
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) can develop following a traumatic event such as natural disaster, sexual or physical assault, or war. Not all people exposed to the same trauma will develop PTSD—rates differ based on the nature of the exposure but also environmental and genetic factors. Using genomics to identify those most at risk for PTSD and better understanding its etiologic pathways could help clinicians and others, including the military, to better treat, prevent, and minimize risk for the disorder. But the use of genomic screening to predict PTSD risk in occupational contexts like military service also raises ethical challenges. Drawing on research with the US VA’s Million Veterans Program, this webinar explores the scientific and medical promise of PTSD genomics and the ethics of using genetic markers for PTSD vulnerability and resilience in high-risk occupational contexts like the military.
To continue the conversation please join fellow audience members for an informal discussion in a Zoom meeting immediately following the forum. The link will be placed in the Zoom Chat during the forum. For those who cannot attend the live event, the forum will be recorded and archived on the ELSIhub Video page.
Live captioning services will be provided by a certified Communication Access Realtime Translation (CART) captioner and available via closed captioning. Closed captions will also be available for the recording.
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