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Brooklyn Marine Terminal: How Do We Build the Port of the Future?
Date & Time

Selected Sessions:

Mar 26, 2025 06:30 PM

Plans for this 122-acre site are proceeding with little discussion of the maritime functions that this site should serve for the neighborhood, city, and region. Come learn what planning experts have to say about how the Brooklyn Marine Terminal might realize its potential as a pivotal maritime resource. About the event The Brooklyn Marine Terminal (BMT) is a 122-acre, public site in Red Hook along one of the last remaining waterfronts in the borough. The City's Economic Development Corporation (EDC) has proposed a mixed-use development and state-of-the-art port facility for this site. It has provided the public, however, with little information of what that might entail. Thus far, it has instead directed its energies primarily toward finding ways to finance this critical piece of regional infrastructure through on-site development, specifically through luxury housing projects. This cart-before-the-horse approach has impoverished an already enfeebled public discussion about this project and left outstanding questions about the present and future maritime needs that development on this site should address. This panel will do what EDC has not—examine compelling reasons to develop the BMT as a maritime resource. Experts will explain the importance of maritime activity to the city, the commercial and recreational potential of this waterfront site, and the policy context for its redevelopment. They will take into account existing programs not currently addressed by the City’s BMT plan, such as the Blue Highway proposal and the regional ferry network, as well as the role the site might play in the transportation of freight throughout the region. They will bring to bear examples of successful port developments elsewhere in the country and the world. Join our discussion! Moderator: Carlos Menchaca (former NYC City Council) Panelists Simon Betsalel (Cap. Projs. Port of San Fran.), Tom Fox (City Club NY Waterfront Co-Chair), Jim Tampakis founder Marine Spares International