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How to Recession-Proof Your L&D Needs for Staffing Gaps
Date & Time

Selected Sessions:

Sep 15, 2022 05:00 PM

Have you considered how a recession could impact your organization? Chances are, you could face a hiring freeze yet still be expected to achieve the same KPIs - but how?  Join us to review your options. We'll review the differences between outsourcing and staff augmentation - and help you right-size learning-specific roles. There are several ways to reduce costs, fill staffing gaps, and immediately add on-demand specialized skill sets to your team. Join Mark Zides of ELB Learning and Debbie Wooldridge of ttcInnovations to address common challenges including costs, communication barriers, talent quality, security, and more. Mark and Debbie's combined 40+ years of experience providing top L&D talent to Fortune 500s can help you develop a game plan for recession-proofing your learning needs.    Highlights include: • Proven case studies of how staff augmentation increases agility • How to outsource specialized talent and reduce time to fill specific roles  • How a staff augmentation vendor can source L&D roles such as Instructional Designers, Technical Writers, LMS Administrators, Facilitators/Trainers, and more.