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ELSI Friday Forum | Visual Storytelling in ELSI Research
Date & Time

Selected Sessions:

Apr 14, 2023 04:00 PM

Join us on Friday, April 14, 2023, for the next ELSI Friday Forum: “A picture is worth a thousand words” - this widely understood sentiment could play a vital role in ELSI research and communication about genetics to community stakeholders. Visual storytelling can convey complicated genomics concepts and can be a powerful tool for directly engaging research participants. The panelists will discuss comics, animation, and other communication tools designed to support conversations in both research and clinical contexts. Panelists will draw on their experience to describe how visual stories can help address health literacy challenges during informed consent and when sharing research findings with study participants. The session will explore how visual storytelling can inform our understanding of genetics. How can ELSI researchers incorporate visual storytelling in their community engagement, research, and dissemination activities? What are the lessons learned from using visual storytelling methods in community engaged research and translation of biomedical research? Join the discussion with panelists Elizabeth Gross Cohn, PhD, RN, FAAN; and Gary Ashwal, MA; moderated by Sara Ackerman, PhD, MPH. To continue the conversation please join fellow audience members for an informal discussion in a Zoom meeting immediately following the forum. The link will be placed in the Zoom Chat during the forum. For those who cannot attend the live event, the forum will be recorded and archived on the ELSIhub Video page. Live captioning services will be provided by a certified Communication Access Realtime Translation (CART) captioner and available via closed captioning. Closed captions will also be available for the recording. By registering for an ELSIhub event, attendees agree to abide by the ELSIhub Code of Conduct: